Lesson 12
Today’s lesson is 187 words.
Hi learners, happy Thursday. Hope your day is going well. What do you guys have planned for today?
Extra reading: A state of emergency has been declared in Texas. Last week temperatures plunged below freezing levels.
As a result, the natural gas, nuclear, and wind power plants froze and could not operate.
This left millions of Texas residents without power, food, and running water for a full week.
Texas is the second largest state in America with a population of 29,087,070.
Texans get about 56% of their energy from natural gas, 24% from wind, 19% from coal, and almost 9% from nuclear energy.
Grammar Tips
“Work on” versus “Work in”.
Typically, we'd say "work on" when talking about direct projects or assignments.
I work on my homework.
I work on my projects.
I work on improving my French.
To describe location, industries, people, you could say “work in”.
I work in the tech industry.
I work in an office building.
I work in New York.
Writing Prompt
Prompt: Where do you work? What things do you like about your job, and what things do you dislike?
Class Discussion
“What did you think of today’s lesson? Did you learn any new vocabulary? Do you have grammar questions? Let us know below!”