Lesson 41
Today’s lesson is 143 words.
Vocabulary words are bolded.
Good morning, students! Tell us about your week. What do you have planned?
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a toxic air pollutant produced by fossil fuel emissions. Extra reading.
In recent studies, scientists found that during the pandemic, there was a worldwide nitrogen dioxide drop of nearly 20 percent.
Most notably, in Wuhan (China) emissions dropped by 60%; for New York City emissions dropped by 45%. In Portugal, it was 41%.
When I was young, I used to be very bad at math. No matter how long I studied, I would always get terrible grades. But with time, I was able to improve and I survived my math classes in university. Now that I’m older and finished with school, I am happy that I no longer have to do calculus! :)
Writing Prompt
Prompt: What is something that you are happy you no longer have to do?
Class Discussion
“What did you think of today’s lesson? Did you learn any new vocabulary? Do you have grammar questions? Let us know below!”