Lesson 48
Today’s lesson is 194 words.
Vocabulary words are bolded.
Good morning, learners. Welcome back. We hope you had nice long and relaxing weekend. In today’s lesson we will go over topics related to family and possessive words.
Listening Activity:
Listen to the audio first. Then, click “Reveal Text” to read the sentence.
Family Vocabulary in English:
Mom mother
Dad / Father
Grandma / Grandmother
Grandpa / Grandfather
Brother / Sister
Uncle / Aunt
Nephew / niece
Godparents / Godmother / Godfather
Step-mother / step-father
I really enjoy spending time with my cousins Joseph and Thomas. They are the children of my dad’s sister, Margaret.
Margaret is my favorite aunt as well! I like her the best because she is talkative and fun to be around.
My favorite activity to do with Joseph and Thomas is to take them to the park.
Possessive Verbs in English
In English, we can indicate possession by using the apostrophe ( ‘ ) to make a contraction. This is something a bit unique to the English language. Let’s review the following examples:
The cousin of my dad = my dad’s cousin
The girlfriend of my brother = my brother’s girlfriend
The aunt of my mother = my mother’s aunt
How to pronounce the ( ’s) in English!
Contractions are pronounced by adding the “s” or “iz” after the word.
While there is no formal “rule”, the majority of the contractions are pronounced with the “iz” sound. This has to do with voiceless vs. voiced consonants.
In general, native speakers will say things differently because of their accent. But as long as your suffix sound is noticeable, people will recognize that you are saying a possessive word. Listen to the following examples!
Examples of words (with voiced consonants):
[s] Tess's [tesiz]
[z] Rose's [rowziz]
[ch] Butch's [buhtchiz]
[j] Midge's [midjiz]
[sh] Rush's [rushiz]
Fay's [fayz]
Hugh's [hyooz]
Bob's [bahbz]
Ted's [tehdz]
Meg's [mehgz]
Sam's [saemz]
Examples of words (with voiced consonants):
Pat's [paets]
Clark's [klarks]
Ruth's [rooths]
For plural nouns ending in ‘s’: always add the [iz] sound!
boys' - The boys’ basketball [boys-iz]
girls’ - The girls’ piano [girls=iz]
aunts’ - My aunts’ orders [aunts-iz]
Writing Prompt
Prompts: How was your day today?
Class Discussion
What did you think of today’s lesson? Did you learn any new vocabulary? Do you have grammar questions? Let us know below!