Lesson 12: Months / Meses

In this lesson, we will review the vocabulary for months.

En esta lección, repasaremos el vocabulario de meses.


Months of the Year

In English, we capitalize all days of the week and months of the year! In Spanish, the days and months are not capitalized. For example, Monday, January 1, 2020 versus lunes, 1 de enero de 2020.

Capitalized --> C

Monday, Tuesday, January, February 

lowercase   -->  l

lunes, martes, enero, febrero

January - enero

In January, it is cold!


February - febrero

In February, it is still cold.

March - marzo

In March, it is starting to get warm!

April - abril

In April, Spring is around the corner. :)

May - mayo

In May, the flowers blossom.


June - junio

In June, the beaches are open.

July - julio

In July, we have a barbecue.

August - agosto

In August, we go on vacation.

September - septiembre

In September, school starts again.


October - octubre

In October, Fall starts.

November - noviembre

In November, we wear sweaters.

December - diciembre

In December, we play in the snow.


The 4 Seasons:

Fall - el otoño

Winter - el invierno

Spring - la primavera

Summer - el verano

What is your favorite season? Leave your answers in the comments section!


Lesson 11: Indefinite articles in English “a/an” / Artículos indefinidos en inglés "a / an"


Lesson 13: Basic Adjectives and the verb “to be” / Adjetivos básicos y el verbo “to be”