Lesson 11: Indefinite articles in English “a/an” / Artículos indefinidos en inglés "a / an"
In this lesson, we will review the indefinite articles in English and learn when to use them.
En esta lección, revisaremos los artículos indefinidos en inglés y aprenderemos cuándo usarlos.
Singular vs. Plural nouns: when to use the indefinite articles “a” and “an”
For singular nouns, you ALWAYS include the indefinite articles “a” and “an” before the noun. You do not include these indefinite articles for plural nouns.
Para los sustantivos en singular, SIEMPRE incluir los artículos indefinidos “a” y “an” antes del sustantivo. No incluye estos artículos indefinidos para sustantivos en plural.
For example:
I want a cake. ✅
I want a cakes. --> I want cakes. ✅
I want a pencil.
I want a pencils. --> I want pencils.
I want a computer.
I want a computers. --> I want computers.
I want a book.
I want books.
When to use “a” versus “an” for singular nouns:
The rules:
Use “a” for consonant words
Use “an” for vowel words + “h” letter words
A - O - I - E - U - H
an apple / apples (A)
an hour / hours (H)
an orange / oranges (O)
an instrument / instruments (I)
an afternoon / afternoons (A)
an evening / evenings (E)
an underpass / underpasses (U)
a banana / bananas
a house / houses
a shoe / shoes
a morning / mornings