Lesson 9
Today’s lesson is 165 words.
What’s up everybody! How was your weekend? Tell us about it below.
Article 1: NASA’s Mars helicopter may soon be the first to fly on another planet
Louis Armstrong was one of the most famous jazz musicians in America. He was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on August 4, 1901. He never finished school and dropped out after the fifth grade in order to work. At the age of 11, he learned the trumpet and later formed his own “big band”. With his inventive solo improvisations, Louis Armstrong helped reinvent and popularize jazz. One of his most well-known songs is “What a Wonderful World”.
I hope to sell my house in a year. Before I do, I need to do some renovations. I have to install a new sink in the kitchen, and I have to fix some leaks in the attic.
Writing Prompt
Prompt: If you had a million dollars, would you change your house or buy new property? Where would you like to move?
Class Discussion
“What did you think of today’s lesson? Did you learn any new vocabulary? Do you have grammar questions? Let us know below!”