Lesson 36

Today’s lesson is 280 words.

Vocabulary words are bolded.




Hello everyone, today is a nice day in Washington, D.C. (where a lot of the Fluenteam teachers live). We hope you guys have a nice day.




U.S. and Iran will meet in Vienna to discuss the possibility of reviving the nuclear deal (Extra Reading)

Tax rate

Economists have been discussing a global minimum corporate tax rate for years. On Monday, the American Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, officially called for one. (Extra reading)

Large corporations like Apple have been avoiding taxes for years by registering their companies in low-tax countries like Ireland.

Large corporations like Apple have been avoiding taxes for years by registering their companies in low-tax countries like Ireland.



Today we present the story of Talia Zimmerman and Edan Hashai, two people who fell in love in sixth grade and then reunited many years later. Their engagement story was recently featured in the Los Angeles Times.


Excerpts from the article:

Excerpt 1

“…I was in sixth grade and I was 12. I was attending a private Jewish school in Sherman Oaks. It was the start of a new school year, and I couldn’t have been more excited. The thrill of finally having my own locker like the older kids was coming true. 

But there was more. I was also in love.” …

Excerpt 2

“A few weeks later, he told me his family was moving to Israel. I was heartbroken. We promised to write letters. Yes, old-fashioned, hand-written letters…. Edan and I promised to keep writing to each other. But the distance became too difficult. We had to ‘break up.’”

Excerpt 3

Fast forward to two years ago, and the era of Tinder (the updated version of AIM). I was sitting in a bar in Tel Aviv with two friends and looking at my Tinder app. Edan’s name popped up. Age 27. Wait. It couldn’t be my sixth-grade crush, could it? It had been 16 years, but the face looked familiar. I swiped. But nothing happened. No reply. No match. 

Maybe it wasn’t him.

The next day, I received a Facebook Messenger alert. And there he was. My sixth-grade boyfriend”

Read the rest of the article to find out what happens next!

Fun fact


According to recent data from Stanford, “online dating” is now the most popular way people meet their partners.

If you like data and statistics, check out this interesting article by Nathan Yau.

If you like data and statistics, check out this interesting article by Nathan Yau.

Vocabulary Quiz


Writing Prompt


Prompt: What are the most important qualities you look for in a potential partner (boyfriend or girlfriend)?

Class Discussion

What did you think of today’s lesson? Did you learn any new vocabulary? Do you have grammar questions? Let us know below!

Fluenteam Message

Lesson 37


Lesson 35