Lesson 46
Today’s lesson is 144 words.
Vocabulary words are bolded.
Good morning, everyone! How are you guys doing today? My week has been okay. I was able to finally visit some of my friends and go for a run in the park.
Alternative ways to ask how you're doing:
What have you been up to? | How's it going? | How have you been? |
What's up? | How are things going? | How's life? |
What's new? | How are you holding up? | How's everything? |
Grammar Tips
How to form adjectives in English:
For adjectives that describe how someone is feeling, you will often add the suffix -“ed" to the end of a verb.
For example:
confuse —> confused
I am feeling confused.
protect —> protected
The baby was protected.
embarrass —> embarrassed
She feels embarrassed.
This person is stressed.
Today I’m feeling a mixture of emotions. I have to give a big presentation this afternoon in front of my entire department.
I’ve been rehearsing all week, but I still feel both nervous and stressed.
In the meantime, I also feel excited because this is an opportunity to show my peers the work I’ve done.
Quiz Recap!
Writing Prompt
Prompts: How are you feeling right now?
Class Discussion
What did you think of today’s lesson? Did you learn any new vocabulary? Do you have grammar questions? Let us know below!