Lesson 50
Today’s lesson is 235 words.
Vocabulary words are bolded.
Hi everyone, today it is Wednesday, April 28th. The weather in Washington DC is warm and sunny, with a little bit of clouds. We hope the weather is nice in your area!
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez recently called it quits on their relationship. The Puerto Rican actress and singer had been dating the former Yankees baseball player for several years.
The expression, “To call it quits”, means to break up with someone.
We’re calling it quits. I’m breaking up with my partner.
The couple called it quits last year.
Listening Activity:
Listen to the audio first. Then, click “Reveal Text” to read the sentence.
The song “Somebody that I Used to Know” is one of the most popular songs about break-ups that was ever written.
Grammar Tips
Understanding the difference between “Excited” and “Exciting”:
Excited is used to describe when someone feels very enthusiastic and eager
This girl is excited.
Exciting means something or someone has the quality of being very interesting and is able to cause excitement in others
Rollercoasters are exciting places.
Additional Examples:
The dog is excited to get the treat.
The girl is excited to see the show.
The boy is excited to play football.
Skiing is a very exciting activity.
The beach waves were very big and exciting today.
The children were bored because the show was not exciting.
Writing Prompt
Prompts: What are things you’re excited to do this year? What are things you’re not excited to do?
Class Discussion
What did you think of today’s lesson? Did you learn any new vocabulary? Do you have grammar questions? Let us know below!