Lesson 56
Today’s lesson is 185 words.
Vocabulary words are bolded.
Hello everyone, welcome back. We hope everyone is doing well.
Tomorrow is the championship game. We are going to play a team we’ve lost to numerous times. I really hope we win. We’ve been practicing a lot, and I hope our hard work pays off. I’m a little nervous, but also very excited.
Hard work = a great deal of effort or endurance
Being good at something takes dedication and hard work.
To pay off = means to be successful; if something you’ve done “pays off”, this means it was successful
My investments paid off.
The additional studying is paying off for my students.
Grammar Tips
How to use the verb “to hope”
We use the verb "to hope" in 3 scenarios:
1) Infinitives
I hope to visit France one day.
She hopes to improve her cooking.
2) “That” clauses
I hope that he sings
They hope that she comes to the party.
We hope that we win tomorrow.
3) Simple verb clauses - no “that”. Frequently you’ll hear native speakers leave out the “the”. This is grammatically correct too.
My dad hopes she sings.
I hope she comes to the party.
Our friend hopes we win tomorrow.
She hopes you go home.
4) “For” preposition
I hope for the best.
He hopes for happiness.
They hope for better times in the future.
Writing Prompt
Prompts: What are some things that you hope for in the future?
Class Discussion
What did you think of today’s lesson? Did you learn any new vocabulary? Do you have grammar questions? Let us know below!