Calvin and the Math Test
Calvin sat in front of the television watching one of his favorite movies with a big bowl of popcorn in his lap. He was ready to relax for the rest of the night because he didn’t have any homework to do. Or so he thought.
He forgot to check his planner. For tonight, he wrote “STUDY FOR MATH TEST” in big letters and circled it. This math test was going to be the hardest math test that semester. His teacher stressed that it was very important to be prepared.
The next morning, Calvin came to school well rested. His friends came up to him with tired eyes. “Didn’t you stay up all night studying?” They asked.
“Studying? For what?” Calvin asked cluelessly. Then it suddenly dawned on him. He smacked his hand against his forehead. “The math test! I completely forgot! I’m going to fail for sure.”