Francis at the Wedding

Francis found his table in the wedding reception room. Aunt Kristen and Uncle Hector were already sitting there, dressed in their best clothes. “It’s a lovely venue, isn’t it?” Aunt Kristen asked. “Your sister has great taste.”

The room was a big, open room filled with tables and family members. Francis’s other aunts and uncles were scattered across the floor, and his younger cousins ran around in their child-sized suits and dresses. Emily, the youngest cousin, was chasing her older brothers near their table. But she tripped over her fancy shoes and fell down. 

Francis rushed over to her. He knelt down beside her and held out a hand for her. “Are you okay, Em?” 

Emily grabbed his hand and stood up. Her nose was red and tears streamed down her cheeks. “I fell down, but I’m okay.” She wiped her eyes and ran back to catch up with her brothers.


Calvin and the Math Test


Wendy and Her Friends