Tanya’s Day

Tanya was feeling blue. It was a cloudy, gloomy day. These kinds of days made her feel lonely and homesick. Her family still lives in Seattle, Washington, where it rains almost every day. Since she moved to Phoenix, Arizona, she missed the frequent rain.

Seattle, Washington.

Phoenix, Arizona

She opened her computer to video call her parents. Before she pressed the button to call, she checked her reflection in her bathroom mirror. Tanya’s mother got more sad when Tanya was sad, so Tanya had to make sure she looked happy. She wiped her eyes with a tissue and practiced a big smile. 

She sat in front of her computer again, ready to pretend that she is content in her new home. The video call rang, and as soon as her mother answered, Tanya smiled as wide as she could.


Antonio, the Baker


Mr. MacDonald