Week 1: Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1: What kinds of clothes do you like to wear? What are your favorite stores to shop at?

Message: Recently I like to wear comfy clothes like short pants, sneakers and simple shirts, because right now I don't have a job and I stayedstay at home all the time. Excellent grammar, just use "stay" in order to maintain the present tense. 

 In terms of stores, normally i buy in any store, because I don't have a preferedpreference. I buy what I like and it doesn't matter the place. << Good job! 

Lesson 2: Describe your family and friends. What are they like?

Corrections: My mother is a grey hairhaired woman. She is slim and short.

In this kind of description, we generally add ‘ed’ to the noun hair. I’m not actually sure why...English is tricky and has lots of exceptions!

The girl is red-haired.
The old grey-haired man came to say hello. 

Lesson 3: Do you like cooking or baking? What are your favorite things to make? Describe your favorite recipe.

Message: I like cooking, but I think I don't have skills of a chef. I prepare very easy meals such as roast beef, soup, chicken among others meals. My favorite recipe is 'huevos a la mexicana" - Mexican escrambledscrambled eggs. To a couple of scramblescrambled eggs, add chopped tomato, onion anand chili, seasonedand season with salt. √√√ Wonderful descriptions! 

Lesson 4: Where would you like to travel and why?

Message: i want to travel to FranciaFrance because i want to see the ifelEiffel tower and buy many perfiumperfumes.
Message: I wanna travel all over the world, I mean I wanna be as a world citizen. For me, every place has a beauty that you have to see. << Great sentence 

You would use "as" if you are making a comparison.

I wanna be as famous as Beyonce.
I want to be as rich as Jeff Bezos.

Lesson 5: What is your favorite season? Do you prefer winter or summer?

Message: In my city (Bogotá), we don't have seasons exactly. We always have weather between 17°C and 20°C. Sometimes it is sunny, and sometimes it is rainy, but we don't have snow or beaches. For the above, if it is a sunny day I go for a walk or go to the park.

Usage of "it": 

So... one of the biggest differences between English and Spanish is that in Spanish, you can omit the subject pronoun. But in English, you cannot. You always have to include the subject. 

For example, you can say:
Voy al supermercado.  << In Spanish, you exclude “yo”. In English, you’d have to say “I”. 
Es divertido. 

But in English, you ALWAYS need to include the subject pronoun. So you'd write these translations as: 
I am going to the supermarket. 
It is fun. 

English is fun :) 

It isn't as efficient as Spanish! 

Week 2: Lessons 6-10