Lesson 16: Family vocabulary / vocabulario importante en inglés sobre la familia / la familia vocabulario
In this lesson, we will learn the most important vocabulary related to family.
En esta lección aprenderemos el vocabulario más importante relacionado con la familia.
Immediate family:
mom - informal
dad - informal
mommy - used by children
daddy - used by children
mother - more formal than “mom”
father - more formal than “dad”
parents - padres
brother - hermano
sister - hermana
half-brother - medio hermano
half-sister - media hermana
stepfather / step-dad - padrastro
stepmother / step-mom - padrastra
Other members of the family:
aunt - tía
uncle - tío
grandma - informal - abuelita/abuela
grandmother - a little bit more formal - abuela
grandpa - informal - abuelito/abuelo
grandfather - a little bit more formal - abuelo
cousin - primo/prima
nephew - sobrino
niece - sobrina
grandson - nieto
granddaughter - nieta
Follow the following conversations:
Practice your knowledge of numbers and the verb “to have” and “to be”. Practica tu conocimiento de los números y el verbo "to have" y “to be”
How many brothers and sister do you have?
I have two brothers and sisters. I have one brother, and I have one sister.
Is your family big?
My family is small. It is just me and my parents.
What is your family like?
My family is large. I have 7 brothers and sisters. I also have 10 cousins.