Lesson 19: Years and numbers bigger than 500 / Como decir los años y números más grande de 500

In this lesson, we will review how to say years in English.

En esta lección, repasaremos cómo decir años en ingles.


Typically, when describing dates we will say the first two digits and then the last two digits. For example:

17 89

"Seventeen eighty nine" 

14 92

"Fourteen ninety two"

19 12

"Nineteen twelve" 

19 76

"Nineteen seventy six"


Important dates in BC! (BC = Before Christ)

3500-550 BC: The Mesopotamian civilization thrived from 3500-550 BC.

990 BC: King David conquers Jerusalem.

660 BC: Byzantium is founded by Greeks.

551 BC: Confucius is born in China.

55 BC: The Romans invade Britain.

Important dates in AD! (AD = anno domini)

64 AD: The city of Rome is nearly destroyed in a fire.

700 AD: The Chinese invent gunpowder.

1498 AD: Leonardo Da Vinci paints “The Last Supper”

1801: The Tsar of Russia is assassinated.

1939: Germany invades Poland.

2007: US Stock Market crashes.


Lesson 18: The verb “to say” / Como conjugar y usar el verbo “to say”


Lesson 20: People and physical descriptions / Personas y descripciones físicas